Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Natural City

"the Korean Bladerunner"
that was 23 years ago...
Starring: Ji-tae Yu, Jae-un Lee, and Chang Yun. Did I mention this was Korean?
Directed by: Byung-chun Min.
I loved this movie. Let's see: cyborgs, holosuits, dystopia, in a cg universe of guns swords and ducts, what more could I ask for?
My initial criticism of "Bladerunner"-yes, I saw it in the theatre way back when-was that it was a bare treatment of the fantastic novel and not worthy. God I was a critical bastard! Well, I went back a couple times because even though I was disappointed it was terrific Science Fiction. I have since seen it probably 2 dozen times.
Natural City borrows heavily from Ridley Scott's masterpiece, and adds touches from the best Sci-Fi films since. There is a ton of Ghost in the Shell here, some Fifth Element, some Matrix. The intersection of love and machines is at the heart of this, served with self destruction and melancholy and all the discontent the modern world creates.
So I ask again: what more could a po' boy ask for?

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